Name Generation Dialog

The Name generation dialog is used to set network wide editing options. Options are available for:

The dialog is displayed when you choose Network options from the Network menu.


The Nodes tab is used to set up automatic name generation options when creating nodes in the network. 

To turn off automatic name generation, set the selection to Do not automatically generate an ID for the new node. To activate name generation, select one of the other available options. Further details can be found in Automatic Node Name Generation.


The Links tab is used to set up automatic name generation options when creating links in the network.

To turn off automatic name generation, set the selection to Do not automatically generate an ID for the new link. To activate name generation, select one of the other available options. Further details can be found in Automatic Pipe Name Generation.

Reserved nodes

The Reserved nodes tab is used to set up reserved names for use as the  US Node ID and/or DS Node ID of unconnected pipes.

ClosedShow me

To add an Unknown Nodes name or Special Node Names, enter a name in the box underneath the list of existing names and click Add.

To remove a reserved name, click on the name to be removed so that is highlighted and click Remove.


Unknown is always a reserved name and cannot be removed from the Unknown Nodes list.

Click the STC button to automatically add a list of STC25 special node names.

Automatic Node Name Generation

Rename Assets Dialog

Automatic Pipe Name Generation

Reserved Node Names