Calculating Consequence Scores

To calculate consequence scores for pipes in the network:

  1. Select Consequence calculator from the Network menu. The Data Source Dialog will be displayed.
  2. Specify the selection of objects to be updated from the Data Source Dialog and click OK to display the Consequence Calculator.
  3. On the Consequence Calculator set required calculation parameters:
    • select the critical factors to be included in the calculation
    • select the SRM ratings options to calculate repair cost and traffic delay risks (Collection networks)
    • edit criteria in the criticality matrix and default occupancy values if required (Distribution networks)
    • select a flag from the dropdown list to be applied to fields updated by the calculation
  4. Click the Calculate button.

For each pipe, the consequence calculator will determine ratings for individual service failure risks. The overall consequence score will be the highest value of the individual ratings. The Consequence score of the pipe will be updated with the overall consequence score.

Calculation of ratings

The following sections provide details of the calculations carried out by the consequence calculator for the different network types.

Consequence Calculator