Connecting Selected Nodes to Pipes

The Connect Selected Nodes to Pipes tool can be used to automatically connect nodes to the nearest pipe (by creation of a connection pipe and connection node), within a user defined search radius of the node.

To connect nodes to pipes:

  1. Select the nodes to be connected
  2. Choose Join/connect | Connect selected nodes with pipes from the Selection menu. The Connect Selected Nodes to Pipes Dialog is displayed.
  3. From the Connect Selected Nodes with Pipes Dialog:
    • Enter a Max distance to pipe. Only pipes within the search radius distance of the node will be considered for connecting to the node.
    • Check the Only connect to selected pipes box, to restrict the pipes to which nodes may be connected, to the current selection.
  4. A summary is displayed containing details of the number of successful connections to pipes, number already connected to pipes, number of failures and the reason for the failures.

A connection node is created as a lateral node on the nearest available pipe. A connection pipe is created between the selected node and the new connection node.

Nodes (Collection)

Connect Selected Nodes to Pipes Dialog