Displaying Pipe Repairs on the Network Views

Pipe repairs can be displayed on the GeoPlan Window and Long Section Window.

On the GeoPlan, repairs are displayed on top of the section of pipe they relate to. They are shown as a line with a rectangle and vertical square bars in collection networks and as a line in distribution networks. The line starts on the pipe at the point of the repair start length (Start Length field) and has a length corresponding to the Repair Length field (See Pipe Repair Data Fields (Collection) and Pipe Repair Data Fields (Distribution) for more information).

By default, the symbology is coloured in orange. However, it is possible to customise repair themes using the GeoPlan Properties dialog.

The tool can be used to display pipe repair properties from the GeoPlan Window or Long Section Window. Click on a repair on the view using the tool. The Pipe Repair Property Sheet will be displayed with the Definition page open. See Pipe Repair Data Fields (Collection) and Pipe Repair Data Fields (Distribution) for further details.

The image below shows a network fragment on the GeoPlan Window. Pipes are shown using a thin blue line, and nodes using a green circle. An example of pipe repair is shown (in orange).

Pipe Repair on GeoPlan

GeoPlan Window network fragment with pipe repair displayed

Pipe Repair being displayed on the Long Section

Pipe repair displayed on the Long Section Window

Displaying pipe repairs

GeoPlan Window

To control the display of pipe repairs:

  1. Right-click on the GeoPlan Window and choose Properties & Themes from the popup menu. This displays the GeoPlan Properties Dialog.
  2. Scroll down to the Pipe repair object layer and click on the Theme cell for the layer:
  3. Pipe Repair Layer and Theme

  4. The Layer Theme Editor is displayed. It shows the default theme for pipe repairs:
  5. Pipe Repair Default Theme

    Layer Theme Editor showing the Pipe Repair base theme for collection networks.

  6. Either edit the default theme or create a new theme. Please refer to Layer Theme Editor, GeoPlan Themes or Managing Themes for further details. If editing the existing base theme, the following settings can be modified:
  7. Once finished, click Apply to see the effects of any changes and OK to close the Layer Theme Editor.
  8. The GeoPlan Properties dialog is still open on the Layers and Themes page. Click on Apply and OK to save the changes and close the dialog.

Long Section Window

Pipe repairs are displayed by default on the Long Section Window strip plan. Display settings are the same as for the GeoPlan and can be customised in the Layers and Themes page of the GeoPlan Properties Dialog.

GeoPlan Window

Long Section Window
