
Repair objects are used to track previous and planned repairs or maintenance activities to the network. Built-in repair objects include information on defects, planned dates and completion dates of repairs or maintenance activity.

In addition to these built-in types, it is possible for user to define their own repairs. For this, the (Undefined variable: Variables.InfoAsset Manager Suite) option must be enabled on your licence. Contact Innovyze for information about adding this option to your existing licence.

User Defined Repairs are valid for all network types, including Asset networks.

Repair objects can be viewed and edited in the Repair Grid.

See Digitising Network Objects and Scheduled Tasks for further details on how to create repairs in InfoAsset Manager.

The types of Repair object available are:

Reports providing a summary and detailed information about selected Repairs in the network are available. See the Repair Reports section for further information.

Validation is available to ensure that :

  1. Repairs are associated with existing network objects.
  2. Pipe Repair Start Length is not outside associated pipe length.
  3. Repair Length of Pipe Repair object is not outside associated pipe length.

You can easily identify which Repair is associated with an object using the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the network object tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window, which opens the relevant Repair property sheet.

Similarly, use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Repair tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window to open the Property Sheet for the associated network object, resources or materials.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

Collection network pipe repair, general maintenance and pipe clean objects can automatically be associated with pipes by matching the PLR / asset ID field of the repair to the Asset ID field of a pipe. See Joining Selected Repairs with Pipes for details.

Joining Selected Repairs with Pipes

Pipe Repair Data Fields (Collection)

Pipe Repair Data Fields (Distribution)

Manhole Repair Data Fields (Collection)

Manhole Repair Data Fields (Distribution)

Pipe Clean Data Fields

General Maintenance Data Fields (Collection)

General Maintenance Data Fields (Distribution)

Hydrant Maintenance Data Fields

Pump Station Electrical Maintenance Data Fields (Collection)

Pump Station Electrical Maintenance Data Fields (Distribution)

Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance Data Fields (Collection)

Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance Data Fields (Distribution)

Valve Maintenance Data Fields

Valve Shut Off Data Fields

Meter Maintenance Data Fields

User Defined Repair Data Fields

Repair Grid

Digitising Network Objects

Editing Network Objects

Editing Network Object Geometry

Scheduled Tasks

Validating Networks



Repair Reports