Importing Attachments

Attachments can be specified for all asset, survey, repair, incident and zone objects. They may include pictures, sketches, photos, videos and other files relevant to the associated object.

Attachments can be added, viewed and edited manually via the Attachments Editor and can also be imported via the Open Data Import Centre.

This topic contains information on importing attachments via the Open Data Import Centre.

There are two types of attachment field:

See the Common Data Fields topic for further details on these fields.

When importing to either of the above field types, the attachments must be in the same folder (the Image Folder specified in the Open Data Import Centre Dialog).

Importing into fixed image fields

Fixed image fields are included in the main table of the network object. To import attachments to these fields:

  1. Open the network to be updated.
  2. Select Import | Open Data Import Centre from the Network menu. This displays the Open Data Import Centre Dialog.
  3. Select the table to be imported into.
  4. Select the Source Type of the import file and select the import file by using the Browse button, or enter the filename and path in the File box.
  5. Check the Import Images option and select the folder containing the attachments to be imported using the Browse button, or enter the filename and path in the Image Folder box.
  6. In the Assignment Grid, map the field in the import file containing the attachment filename to the appropriate attachment field (e.g. Location sketch).
  7. Click Import to carry out the import process.

Importing into the Attachments subtable


When importing into an Attachments subtable, attachments can only be imported where a network object already exists.

To import attachments to the Attachments subtable:

  1. Open the network to be updated.
  2. Select Import | Open Data Import Centre from the Network menu. This displays the Open Data Import Centre Dialog.
  3. Select the table to be imported into.
  4. Select the Attachments subtable.
  5. Set the Source Type of the import file and select the import file by using the Browse button, or enter the filename and path in the File box.
  6. Check the Import Images option and select the folder containing the attachments to be imported using the Browse button, or enter the filename and path in the Image Folder box.
  7. In the Assignment Grid, map the field in the import file containing the attachment filename to the Database ref field.
  8. Check the Merge option in the Updating and Delete Options group to append data to any existing data. (If this option is not checked, any existing data will be overwritten.)

  9. Click Import to carry out the import process.

Open Data Import Centre Dialog

Importing Oracle Spatial Data

Open Data Import Centre - Advanced Features