Importing Manhole Survey Images

InfoAsset Manager allows you to import CCTV image files and associate them with points along Manhole Surveys. Images are applied to Manhole Surveys using a simple mapping file. The Image Summary (.IFC) file contains a series of Manhole Survey IDs, row numbers giving the location of the image along the survey, and image filenames.

The file takes the form:




Each row is a comma separated list of survey ID, row number, and filename. The images must be in the same directory as the IFC file.

The row number relates to the row in the Details Grid displayed on the Defects Page of the Manhole Survey Property Sheet. The top row on the grid is row zero.

All common image file formats are supported.

Alternative file format

An alternative to using the file format described above is to use the first line of the .IFC file to specify the internal database field name of a field in the Details Grid. Column two is then used to match against field values, rather than relating to a row in the grid. e.g.




In the example above, the first line of the file is the field name. Each subsequent row is a comma separated list of ID, field value and filename. The field values will be matched with the values in the Details Grid. If there is more than one field in the grid with a matching value, the image will be associated with the first entry found.

Import Instructions

To import CCTV images:

  1. Open a network that includes CCTV data.
  2. Choose Import | Import CCTV data | Import CCTV images from the Network menu. This displays a standard Windows File Open dialog.
  3. Browse to find the Image Summary (.IFC) file
  4. Click Open to complete the import process. If an image file cannot be found, or some other error occurs, an import error log is displayed in the General Text File View.

    The images are copied into the database. They are actually copied into a special Extras directory within the database. See File Locations.

The imported images can be viewed on the Defects Page of the Manhole Survey Property Sheet.

Viewing CCTV Images

Manhole Survey Data Fields