Manhole Surveys

A manhole survey object contains information related to a single survey of a manhole. Each manhole survey object may be associated with a single manhole, and each manhole may have many surveys linked to it (for example, surveys undertaken at different dates).

InfoAsset Manager assumes that manhole surveys provide the main structural and connectivity information about the network. However, manhole surveys are unable to give detailed information about pipe condition. Pipe condition information is generally collected by using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveys.

Manhole survey data can be imported from STC25 data or via the Open Data Import Centre. Once the survey data has been imported, validation may be carried out to ensure that survey data is appropriate before it is used to update the network.

Checks are made that:

  1. Node type, function and location are consistent between survey and network.
  2. Re-surveys of existing manholes have the correct pipe connectivity.
  3. Surveyed pipe connectivity, direction and diameter etc are consistent both between surveys and known manholes.

Subsequently, the data may be merged into the InfoAsset Manager Network according to a specific set of rules, summarised as:

  1. Add newly surveyed manholes to the network.
  2. Update existing manholes in the network.
  3. Update existing links in the network.
  4. Add any other links found in the survey.

The Manhole Defect Coding Standard to be used is set by the user. The manhole survey defect code choice lists are consistent with the selected standard.

For further information about using manhole surveys in Collection Networks, see the topics in the Using Manhole Survey Data section.

Manhole surveys can also be:

Manhole Surveys can also be viewed and edited from the Manhole Survey Grid View in the Survey Grid .

Once a survey’s data has been incorporated into the network, its "used in network" field is set to allow the user to distinguish between newly added surveys and those that have already been processed. By this approach, InfoAsset Manager provides an audit trail of all the collected survey data, alongside an up to date interpretation of the data in the network.

The user can easily identify which survey data is associated with a node (Distribution network) / manhole (Collection network) using the Navigate | To Related Objects () toolbar option from the node / manhole tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window, which opens the relevant survey Property Sheet.

Similarly, use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Manhole Survey tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window to open the Property Sheet for the associated node /manhole, resources or materials.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

Manhole Survey Data Fields (Collection)

Manhole Survey Data Fields (Distribution)

Using Manhole Survey Data

Validating Networks

Open Data Import Centre

Choosing the Manhole Coding Standard

Importing Manhole Survey Data

CCTV Surveys

Digitising Network Objects  

Editing Network Objects

Scheduled Tasks