Importing CCTV and Manhole Survey Data from SUFRIB Format Files

Network data such as CCTV and Manhole survey data can be imported from SUFRIB format.

To import network data from SUFRIB format files:

  1. Open the network to be updated
  2. Select Import |Import SUFRIB survey data from the Network menu. The Import SUFRIB survey data Dialog is displayed.
  3. In this dialog:
    1. Browse to find the data file(s). A standard Open dialog will be displayed. Multiple files may be selected by using the CTRL and SHIFT keys.
    2. Select the SUF, RIB or RMB files to be imported and click Open.
    3. Select the type of survey data to be imported by enabling the relevant option(s). CCTV survey data and Manhole survey data may be imported separately (only one checkbox ticked) or together (both checkboxes ticked).
    4. Optionally check the Import images from file specified in column 16 of defect records to import survey images.
    5. Choose a flag to apply to all the imported data if required.
    6. Set the options for generating survey IDs:
      • StartNodeRef, (Direction), Date and Time or StartNodeRef, Direction, Date and Time for CCTV surveys
      • NodeRef, Date and Time or NodeRef, Date and Time for manhole surveys
    7. Set the options for handling duplicate IDs.
    8. For more details on the available options, please refer to the Import SUFRIB survey data Dialog topic.

  4. Click Import to complete the import process.

An import log will be displayed with any conversion errors or warnings.

Importing Network Data

CCTV Surveys

Manhole Surveys

Import SUFRIB survey data Dialog