Meter Tests

Meter Tests are used to check the accuracy of installed meters.

Meter Tests can be:

Meter Tests can be viewed and edited from the Meter Test Grid View in the Survey Grid .

Validation is available to ensure that Meter Test data is consistent with the network. Checks are made that the associated meter exists in the network.

The coordinates of the Meter Test may be defaulted, in which case the associated meter coordinates will be used.

Reports providing a summary and detailed information about selected tests in the network are available. See the Survey Reports topic for further information.

Use the Navigate | To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Meter Test tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window to open the Property Windows for associated meters, resources or materials.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

Meter Test Data Fields

Survey Grid

Open Data Import Centre

Validating Networks

Digitising Network Objects  

Editing Network Objects

Scheduled Tasks