Pipe Samples

Pipe Sampling is used to investigate pipe condition and causes of pipe failure. Sampling involves removing sections of pipe and examining the pipe material for deterioration.


The Pipe Sample Data Fields currently used in InfoAsset Manager are based on the procedures for inspecting pipes on site described in the WRc Water Mains Rehabilitation Manual - Assessing the Condition of Cast Iron Pipes.

A Pipe Sample object contains information related to a single survey of a pipe. Each Pipe Sample object may be associated with a single network pipe. Each network pipe may have many samples linked to it.

Pipe samples can be:

Pipe Samples can also be viewed and edited from the Pipe Sample Grid View in the Survey Grid.

Reports providing a summary and detailed information about selected surveys in the network are available. See the Survey Reports topic for further information.

Use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Pipe Sample tabbed Property Sheet or Object Properties Window to open the Property Sheet for the associated sampled pipe, resources and materials, or for other surveys and repairs associated with the sampled pipe.

Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.

Pipe Sample Data Fields

Joining Selected Surveys with Pipes

Survey Reports

Digitising Network Objects  

Editing Network Objects

Scheduled Tasks