Pre-commit Validations Dialog

The Pre-commit Validations dialog is displayed by selecting the Database management| Shared pre-commit validations from the File menu and is used to specify which validation object is to be used for checking network data during a commit operation.

ClosedShow me

The following table describes the different items in the dialog:




Choose the type of network (Collection, Distribution or Asset) that the validation data object is to apply to from the drop-down list.

Validation settings




A description of the validation during commit operation can be entered into this field or you can use the default Perform pre-commit action description.

Select a validation to apply to this action

The validation data object (which contains the validation rules that are to be applied during the commit operation) can be either dragged from the Explorer window into this box or you can click on the (Browse) button to display a Common Tree Selection dialog from which you can select the appropriate validation data object.

Click on the (Delete Selection) button to remove a validation object from the box.


Only a validation data object suitable for the specified Type of network can be used.

The box is either highlighted in red or green. Red indicates that no validation data object has been specified while green indicates that the specified validation object is appropriate for the selected Type of network.


Saves the specification and closes the window.


Cancels the operation and closes the window.


Pre-commit Validations

Validating Networks

Distribution Network

Asset Network

Collection Network