Common Tree Selection Dialog

This dialog is displayed when you need to select an item from the database, usually after you have clicked a button in a dialog. The screenshot below shows an example in InfoWorks ICM.

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The dialog allows you to navigate around the database in much the same way as the Explorer Window.

Clicking to the left of an item opens it, so that all items contained within it are displayed; clicking closes the item again. Alternatively, you can open an item by double-clicking on it.

When you click an item, it is shown in the selection box above the tree; clicking OK selects that item.

Filter items is checked by default and indicates that only the objects relevant to the current operation are shown. If you wish all objects to be shown, uncheck Filter items. The value of the checkbox is remembered across the database (NOT the whole application) and on a per user basis as it is considered as a user preference.


Whether Filter items is checked not, InfoAsset Manager will only allow you to select an item of the correct type for the task currently being undertaken.

You can only select one item at a time from the database. Multiple selections are not supported.

For a full description of the meaning of the different icons displayed in the tree, see Database Items.

Database Items

Explorer Window