Snapping Pipe Bends to Nodes

You can snap an intermediate bend in a pipe onto a node and incorporate that node into the pipe. You can:

When surveying your manholes, it is possible that you do not survey all manholes. For example your survey contractor may be asked just to survey manholes that are junctions in the network. If you then use the Updating the Network from Manhole Survey Data tools, straight pipes will be created between the surveyed manholes. Your intermediate manholes will no longer be connected to the network. This tool allows you to reconnect any manholes affected in this way.

Because the position of the manhole will probably be known from survey, it is more appropriate to move the pipe to the manhole, rather than moving the manhole to the pipe.

To snap a pipe bend to an existing node:

  1. Make sure Snapping Mode is turned on. Just press s or click the button to toggle snap mode on and off.
  2. Click on the Edit Object Geometry toolbar button . This allows you to select and move intermediate bends in links. The cursor changes to a .
  3. Click on a link. This highlights all the intermediate bends. You can add and delete bends if necessary. Add by holding down the CTRL and clicking on the link. Delete by holding down the ALT key and clicking on an existing bend.
  4. Click on a bend, and with the left mouse button held down, drag it to the node.
  5. Release the left mouse button. The Snap Pipe Bend to Node Dialog is displayed.
  6. Choose whether to split the pipe or include the node as a lateral. If you split the pipe you can select a flag to apply to any changed values.
  7. Click OK to complete the process.

If you chose the Split option, InfoAsset Manager will split the current link to create two new links connected to the node. All parameters for the two new links will be the same as those for the replaced link, except:

If you chose the Add Lateral Node option:

Full details about working with polyline objects such as pipes and ancillaries can be found in the Digitising Network Objects and the Editing Network Object Geometry topics in this help system.

Adding Lateral Inflows to Pipes / Links

Inferring Missing Values

Digitising Network Objects

Editing Network Object Geometry

GeoPlan Window

Snap Pipe Bend to Node Dialog