
Zones provide a method for specifying a geographical area on the GeoPlan Window.

Zones can be used to identify regions for reporting. It is not practical to generate reports for the entire network. Zones will mainly be used to define small areas for reporting purposes as an aid to selecting a group of objects

Zones themselves can be grouped into categories. Zone categories can be edited as a choice list.

In addition to these built-in types, it is possible for user to define their own zones. For this, the (Undefined variable: Variables.InfoAsset Manager Suite) option must be enabled on your licence. Contact Innovyze for information about adding this option to your existing licence.

User Defined Zones are valid for all network types, including Asset networks.

Zone Data Fields (Collection)

Zone Data Fields (Distribution)

Zone Data Fields (Asset)

Digitising Network Objects

Selecting Objects in a Polygon

Selecting All Zones in a Category

Selecting Zones Containing Selected Objects

User Defined Choice Lists

Generating Reports

User Defined Zones