User Defined Choice Lists

Choice lists can be customised by adding, editing and deleting choices. Choice lists can also be exported to, and imported from, comma separated variable (CSV) format.

Choice lists can be edited at a Database level or for a particular Network.

By default, choice lists defined by the currently selected CCTV standard and Manhole standard will be read-only.

The read-only status of choice lists defined by standards can be overridden, allowing these lists to be customised, by checking the Allow editing of choice lists defined by standards option on the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.


Editing choice lists defined by standards may invalidate the calculation of Manhole Scores and CCTV Scores.

Editing Choice Lists

Editing of InfoAsset Manager choice lists is carried out in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

ClosedShow me

Standards and Choice Lists Dialog

To edit database settings, display the dialog by selecting Database management | Standards & choice lists from the File menu. The menu option is available when there are no networks open.

Database standards and choice lists can be overridden for a particular network. To edit options for the current network, open the dialog by selecting Standards & choice lists from the Network menu.

Due to the large number of InfoAsset Manager choice lists available, the lists are divided into five main groups. The groups separate the choice lists by network type and separate the network User Text fields from the other network fields. There is also a separate group for GeoExplorer Zone choice lists.

To select a choice list for editing, select the appropriate group from the Choice Group list. Select the choice list to be edited from the Choice Description list which contains the choice lists relevant to the selected choice group.

There are a number of choice lists that are used by more than one network object. Choice lists that are shared between object types are prefixed by '(Multiple Object Types):' in the Choice Description list (see the Choice Lists Shared Between Network Objects section below for details). All other choice list names are prefixed by the network object type to which they are associated.

To add a new choice to a list:

  1. Select the appropriate list using the Choice Group and Choice Description lists.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the list if necessary and click in the append row (marked with a ). If there is no append row then this list cannot be edited.
  3. Enter a new code and description in the Text and Description columns.
  4. Move off the append row to save changes.

To delete an existing choice from a list:

  1. Select the appropriate list using the Choice Group and Choice Description lists.
  2. Select the entire row for the choice to be deleted. To do so, click on the grey square to the left of the row.
  3. Press Delete.

To reset a choice list to its default settings:

  1. Select the appropriate list using the Choice Group and Choice Description lists.
  2. Click Reset.
  3. Click OK on the Choice List Reset dialog to restore the currently displayed choice list to its default settings.
  4. (Select the Reset all choice lists option on the Choice List Reset dialog to restore all choice lists in all choice groups to their default settings.)

Exporting Choice Lists

To export the current set of choice list settings:

  1. Click Export in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. This displays a standard Windows File Save dialog.
  2. Select a name and location to which the file is to be saved. The data is saved in CSV format.
  3. Click Save to complete the process.

Importing Choice Lists

To import a set of saved choice lists:

  1. Click Import in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. This displays a standard Windows File Open dialog.
  2. Browse for the CSV file containing the choice list data and click Open. Choice list data from the file replaces the current choice list settings.

Note: For Collection Networks, choice lists defined by the currently selected CCTV Standard and Manhole Standard that are read-only, will not be overwritten on import.

Choice Lists Shared Between Network Objects

There are a number of choice lists that are used by more than one network object. These are prefixed by '(Multiple Object Types):' in the Choice Description list. The tables below detail the objects that use each of these choice lists.

Collection Network

The table below contains details of the Collection Network objects that use shared choice lists:

Choice List

Network Objects

Accuracy of GPS
  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey

  • GPS Survey

Approval status All Scheduled Tasks and all Incidents
Area code
  • Pump Station
  • Treatment Works

Contractor All Scheduled Tasks and all Incidents
  • CCTV Survey
  • Smoke Defect Observation
  • Pipe Survey

Flow control

  • Pipe
  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey

Inspected By

All Incidents

Lining material

  • Pipe
  • CCTV Survey
  • Pipe Repair
  • Manhole Repair
  • Connection Pipe

Lining type

  • Pipe
  • CCTV Survey
  • Pipe Repair
  • Connection Pipe

Method of inspection

  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey

Not surveyed

  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey

Object not mapped

  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey
Operational status All Assets except Nodes
Owner All Connected Assets and Asset Areas 

Pipe material

  • Pipe
  • CCTV Survey
  • Pipe Repair
  • Pipe Clean
  • Smoke Test
  • Dye Test
Pipe type
  • Pipe
  • CCTV Survey
Priority All Scheduled Tasks
Pump Stn Maintenance Type
  • Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance


Repair status

  • Pipe Repair
  • Manhole Repair
Repeat period All Scheduled Tasks

Report taken by

All Incidents

Resolved by

All Incidents

Road material

  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey
Schedule status All Scheduled Tasks


All Assets except for Data Loggers


  • Pipe
  • CCTV Survey
  • Pipe Repair
  • Manhole Survey
  • Connection Pipe


Site condition

(Ground condition)

  • Pipe
  • Smoke Test
  • Dye Test
  • Smoke Defect
  • Manhole Survey


Soil type

  • Pump Station
  • Treatment Works


  • Node
  • Manhole Survey

Surface type

  • Pump Station
  • Treatment Works

Survey status

  • Dye Test
  • Smoke Test

Survey Yes/No

  • Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance
  • Pump Station Electrical Maintenance

System type

  • Manhole Survey
Team leader All Scheduled Tasks and all Incidents


  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey
  • Manhole
  • GPS Survey
  • Manhole Survey


Video format
  • CCTV Survey
  • Manhole Survey
Work type All Scheduled Tasks

Distribution Network

The table below contains details of the Distribution Network objects that use shared choice lists.

Note also that the Pipe Sample Surface Cover choice list applies to several Pipe Sample fields: Pitting, External Protection Status, Internal Protection Status, Tuberculation and Encrustation.

Choice List

Network Objects

Accuracy of GPS
  • GPS Survey

Approval status All Scheduled Tasks and all Incidents
Area code
  • Pipe
  • Fitting
  • Hydrant
  • Meter
  • Valve
  • Tank
  • Borehole
  • Surface Source
  • Pump Station
  • Treatment Works

Bedding material

  • Pipe
  • Pipe Sample
Contractor All Scheduled Tasks and all Incidents

Inspected by

All Incidents

Joint type

  • Pipe
  • Pipe Sample
  • Fitting


Lining material

  • Pipe
  • Pipe Repair

Lining type

  • Pipe
  • Pipe Repair


  • Pipe
  • Pipe Repair
Open direction
  • Valve
  • Valve Maintenance

Operational status

All Connected Assets and Asset Areas

Owner All Connected Assets and Asset Areas 

Power Supply

  • Meter
  • Data Logger
Priority All Scheduled Tasks


(Internal and External)

  • Pipe
  • Pipe Sample
Pump Stn Maintenance Type
  • Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance

Reason for Restraint

  • Borehole
  • Surface Source
Repeat Period All Scheduled Tasks

Report Taken By

All Incidents

Resolved By

All Incidents

Schedule Status All Scheduled Tasks


  • Manhole Survey
  • Generator
  • Manhole


Soil Type

  • Manhole Survey
  • Pipe Sample
  • Manhole



  • Manhole Repair
  • Pipe Repair

Surface Type

  • Manhole Survey
  • Pipe Sample
  • Manhole


Survey Yes/No

  • Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance
  • Pump Station Electrical Maintenance
  • Pump Station Survey


Team Leader All Scheduled Tasks and all Incidents
Valve Box Type
  • Valve
  • Valve Maintenance
Valve Control Type
  • Valve
  • Valve Maintenance
Valve Material
  • Valve
  • Valve Maintenance

Asset Network

The table below contains details of the Asset Network objects that use shared choice lists.

Choice List

Network Objects

Approval Status All Scheduled Tasks
Contractor All Scheduled Tasks
Priority All Scheduled Tasks
Repeat Period All Scheduled Tasks

Report Taken By

All Incidents

Schedule Status All Scheduled Tasks
Team Leader All Scheduled Tasks

Choosing the CCTV Standard

Choosing the Manhole Coding Standard

Standards and Choice Lists Dialog