Generating Reports

You can generate different types of report within InfoAsset Manager documenting details of your network.

The reports can be generated in either Microsoft Word format, or in HTML:



Summary Report

Short report giving an overview of some or all of the network.

Validation Report

Lists all validation errors and warnings produced for some or all of the network.

Manhole Report

Provides detailed information about selected manhole objects in the network.

Defect Report

Lists all defects reported for some or all of the manholes in the network (Collection Networks only).

Incident Report

Lists details of a selection of incident objects in the network.

Survey Reports

Provide summary and detailed information about selected survey objects in the network.

Repair Reports

Provide summary and detailed information about selected repair objects in the network.

Depreciation Cost Report

Provides a summary of the depreciation costs which will be incurred from the network assets over a specified reporting year.

Rehabilitation Cost Report

Gives an alternative method of estimating network asset costs.

Custom MS Excel Export

Exports the data from all or part of your network into a Microsoft Excel file and opens the file in Excel. You must have Excel installed on your computer to use this functionality.

InfoAsset Manager Reports

Summary Reports

Validation Reports

Manhole Reports

Defect Reports

Incident Reports

Survey Reports

Repair Reports

Depreciation Cost Reports

Rehabilitation Cost Reports

Custom MS Excel Export

Customising Report Templates