GIS Layer Control Dialog

This dialog is used to choose how layers are displayed on the GeoPlan Window. It is displayed when you right-click on the GeoPlan View and choose GIS Layer control from the popup menu.

InfoAsset Manager supports the following Map Controls: ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop and MapXtreme.

Map Control

Supported file formats

ArcGIS Engine

ESRI ®Shape files (.shp)

CAD Layers - Points, Areas, Polygons and Polyline classes

Raster images - JPG, PNG, ECW, BIL, BMP, SID

Layer Files (.lyr)

ArcGIS Desktop (ArcObjects)

ESRI ® Shape files (.shp)

CAD Layers - Points, Areas, Polygons and Polyline classes

Coverages - Feature types and raster types

Raster images - JPG, PNG, ECW, BIL, BMP, SID

Personal GeoDatabases - Feature Classes, Raster Datasets, Raster Catalog Tables

File GeoDatabases - Feature Classes, Raster Datasets, Raster Catalog Tables

SDE GeoDatabase - Feature Classes, Raster Datasets, Raster Catalog Tables

WMS Servers - Raster datasets.

ArcGIS Servers - Datasets (on a LAN or through the Internet).

Layer Files (.lyr)


ESRI ® Shape files (.shp)

Feature-based tab files

Image Based tab files

Seamless layer tab file

Raster images - JPG, PNG, ECW, BIL, BMP, etc.

Grid images - .mig, .dem, .dt0, .dt1, .dt2, .grd

WMS Servers - Raster datasets

ClosedShow me

GIS Layer Control ArcEngine dialog

ArcGIS Engine GIS Layer Control dialog

GIS Layer Control ArcObjects dialog

ArcGIS Desktop GIS Layer Control dialog

GIS Layer Control Map Xtreme dialog

MapXtreme GIS Layer Control dialog

Use this dialog to choose how layers are displayed on the GeoPlan Window when using ESRI ArcGIS Engine, ESRI ArcGIS Desktop or Precisely MapXtreme .NET as the GIS component.

All layers can be moved up or down in the display order, added and removed, or temporarily hidden without removal. The layer can also be hidden automatically when the zoom level moves outside a certain range.

The GIS Layers box lists the layers that are currently loaded on the GeoPlan. The layers are added to the view in the order shown, with the layer at the top of the list being displayed above all other layers.

The following buttons change the layers that are displayed:


Moves the selected layer higher up the list.


Moves the selected layer lower down the list.

Add WMS...

Applies when using MapXtreme as map control only.

Click the Add WMS button to display the Add WMS Layer dialog.

In the Add WMS Layer dialog, enter a WMS Server URL and click OK. The WMS layer will be added to the list of GIS layers.

Select the WMS layer and click the Properties button to view and edit the display properties for the layer in the Web Map Service Properties Dialog.


Adds a new layer.


Removes a layer from the display (the data is unaffected).

You can change the following properties of the display for each layer:


Only available for shape files when MapXtreme is the current map control.

Click on the Ellipsis button button to change the projection system for the currently selected layer. This displays the Choose Coordinate System dialog.

This option is not likely to be used very often but provides the user with a means of changing the projection system if the one originally associated with the layer has not been correctly interpreted by InfoAsset Manager.


The layer is visible.


Items in the layer can be selected.

(WMS layers and ArcGIS Server Map layers can not be made selectable).


The underlying data in the layer can be edited on the GIS Layer Information Dialog if this box is checked. See Viewing and Editing GIS Layer Data for more details.

(WMS layers and ArcGIS Server Map layers can not be made editable).


ESRI ® Shape files (.shp) are not editable (Read-only Editable check box) when MapXtreme is the current map control.

Zoom Levels... or Map Scales...

Displays the Layer Visibility dialog, where the user can specify the level range over which the GIS layer is to be applied.


Clicking the Properties... button will display the Layer Properties Dialog. This allows you to change symbol shape, size and colour for the current layer.


The above does not apply to WMS layers or ArcGIS Server Map layers.

If the layer in the current row of the list is a WMS layer, clicking the Properties... button will display the Web Map Service Properties Dialog. This dialog provides detailed information about the Web Map Service and allows the visibility of layers to be edited.

If the currently selected layer is an ArcGIS Server Map layer, the Properties button will be disabled. Use your GIS software to view properties of ArcGIS Server Map layers.

Changing the Current Map Control

Choose Coordinate System Dialog