Viewing and Editing GIS Layer Data

InfoAsset Manager allows you to view and edit data in additional GIS layers that have been loaded onto the GeoPlan Window. InfoAsset Manager can only display spatial information - points and polygons - on the GeoPlan. However, the GIS layer may contain far more details about the point or polygon.


This functionality does not apply to Web Map Service (WMS) Layers or ArcGIS Server Map Layers.

Viewing GIS layer data

To view GIS layer data the layer must be made selectable in the GIS Layer Control dialog.

  1. Right-click in the GeoPlan Window and choose GIS Layer control from the popup menu.
  2. Select each GIS layer for which viewing is to be enabled and check the Selectable box for that layer.
  3. Close the GIS Layer Control dialog to save the changes.
  4. Select the information tool on the GeoPlan Tools Toolbar. The cursor changes to .
  5. Click on a point or polygon from an additional GIS layer. If there is more than one object under the cursor, a selection list will be displayed. Select the object to be viewed from the list.
  6. The data for the object will be displayed in the GIS Layer Information dialog.

Editing GIS layer data

To edit the underlying GIS data, the layer must be made editable in the Layer Control dialog:

  1. Right-click in the GeoPlan Window and choose GIS Layer control from the popup menu.
  2. Select each GIS layer for which editing is to be enabled, and check the Editable box for that layer.
  3. Note

    ESRI ® Shape files (.shp) are not editable (Read-only Editable check box) when MapXtreme is the current map control.

  4. Close the GIS Layer Control dialog and then continue as for viewing data. Any changes made on the data displayed on the GIS Layer Information dialog will be saved to the underlying GIS file when you click OK.

Displaying a text string in a shapefile layer

When displaying ESRI shapefile layers, it is possible to display a text field for each object instead of the object symbol.

To display a text field for each object, the following three fields are required in the shapefile:

When these fields are present in the shapefile, only the colour of the layer can be overridden in the GIS Layer Control dialog.

Additional GIS Layers

GeoPlan Window

GIS Layer Information Dialog

GIS Layer Control Dialog