About licence configuration

In order to run InfoAsset Mobile Office version, you will need a special dongle which is supplied by Innovyze. When you run InfoAsset Mobile, the system interrogates the dongle to check that the software is licensed. For details of how to obtain a valid dongle, contact your Innovyze representative.

Local dongle

A local dongle is plugged into either the parallel or USB port of your PC. This allows you to run InfoAsset Mobile only on your PC.

Network dongle

A network dongle is plugged into either the parallel or USB port of a designated PC on your computer network. This allows a preset maximum number of users on different PCs attached to your computer network to run InfoAsset Mobile. InfoAsset Mobile still needs to be installed on each PC but separate local dongles are not needed.

Server setup

To use a network dongle with InfoAsset Mobile you need to attach it to a PC acting as a server on the network and install the Licence Manager software on that PC.

The network dongle can be attached to any PC on the network. The selected PC does not need to have InfoAsset Mobile itself installed.

The designated PC should be one that is re-booted only very infrequently as re-booting will disrupt users of InfoAsset Mobile who are connected to the dongle. This means that the PC in question should probably be one that has been designated as a server, rather than somebody's personal workstation.

Client setup

The client machine is the PC that is running InfoAsset Mobile.

The first time you log in to InfoAsset Mobile, the Client Licence Key Setup dialog may be displayed.

Client Licence Key Setup dialog

Swapping from a local dongle to a network dongle