Options dialog - Directories page

The Options dialog allows you to change a number of features that apply across the whole program. The dialog is displayed by selecting System | Options.

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The Directories page allows you to choose the default locations for system directories and any browse dialogs used when setting maps, attachments, images, and documents.

System directories are directories where files of a certain type are stored locally, whereas browse directories are the default locations opened when certain types of objects are attached to a report.

Item Description

System directories

This section is editable only by users with a role of Supervisor or above.

System location Root location where all the downloaded files are stored. The default location is set by the InfoAsset Mobile installer but can be changed here by a user with sufficient privileges.
Unmanaged map location Local location for unmanaged maps. See below for more details.
Attachments location Default location for attachments.

Default browse locations

Default image location Default location for images.
Documents location Default location for documents.

Browse buttons

These open a standard Windows dialog for locating folders.

Important note about unmanaged maps

By default, layers and maps (collections of layers) are managed by the InfoAsset Mobile server. Managed layers are uploaded to the server where they can potentially take a lot of space. Also, when they are being used by the client software, they can take a long time to download. This is why users are offered the possibility of using unmanaged layers instead. Unmanaged layers are maintained locally by the user and must be located in the Unmanaged Map location, which is c:\users\username\Documents\MyMaps by default. The unmanaged map location directory can be modified in this page of the Options dialog.

About configuring InfoAsset Mobile

Setting options