Select Map Image Destination dialog

This dialog is used to capture the currently displayed map at report creation or editing time:

The dialog is displayed when Capture Map Image is selected from the options launcher in the Tools group of the Map tab.

ClosedShow image

Option Description


Map preview


  • Capture destination dropdown - Use this option to specify if the map image is to be saved within the report (ReportName option), or outside InfoAsset Mobile, on the computer or a network location (<Save image> option).
  • Destination control dropdown
  • Available when the ReportName option has been selected in the Capture destination dropdown.

    This dropdown lists the controls on the report where the map can be embedded. Typically, it will contain the names of all the attachments, image-related (image, other image, injection point image, etc), photo-related (location photo, etc), and sketch controls that are present on the report.

  • Size dropdown
  • Capture size in pixels.

    The default value corresponds to the value of the Image Size property of the application, set in the Applicationdialog .


Saves the changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the capture process.

Layers and maps