Measuring distances and areas on maps

Distances can be measured by drawing lines on the map, and areas can be measured by drawing polygons on the map. The distance represented by each segment of a line is displayed, as well as the total length of each line. For area measurement, the area of the last-drawn polygon is displayed, as well as the total area of all the polygons drawn.

To measure distance or area on a map:

  1. Ensure the desired layer is visible on the map.
  2. In the Measure group of the Map tab, select Measure.
  3. The Measure dialog is displayed.

  4. Ensure the measurement units are as desired in the Units dropdown list.
  5. Click the point on the map where you would like to start distance estimation or to start an area measurement polygon.

    A red circle outline appears at the click point.

  6. Move the mouse pointer to the next point of the line (or the first corner of the intended polygon).
  7. The cursor is now joined to the start point with a blue line.

  8. Click at this point (or corner).

    The first portion of the line (or side of the intended polygon) is shown as a red line on the map, and a red circle outline is displayed at the second clicked point.

  9. The distance from the start point of the line to the current cursor position is constantly updated in the Measure dialog.

  10. Click at more measurement points (or polygon corners). There can be as many intermediate points or corners as desired.


  11. To finish a distance line, double-click at its end point, or, to complete a measurement polygon, double-click its start point.

    The line distances (and the area covered by the current and all polygons) are displayed in the Measure dialog.

    Tip: An alternative way to finish a line is to click the New Line ribbon command. However, this cannot be used to create a polygon for measuring area.

Layers and maps