Measure dialog

This dialog allows users to measure distance and areas on the map. Multiple lines and areas are supported.

The dialog is displayed when Measure is selected from the Measure group of the Map tab.

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New line

New Line

Ends the current line at the last clicked point and starts a new line from the next clicked point.

Tip: Double-clicking a blue line on the map finishes a line and starts a new one.



Clears the existing measurements.

This resets the boxes on the dialog.

Clear or leave on close

Leave On Close /

Clear On Close

Leave On Close - Leaves the measurement line on the map when you close the dialog.

Clear On Close - Removes the measurement line from the map when you close the dialog.


Dropdown box containing the available measurement units.

By default this box will show the units used by the current projection system, but this can be changed if required.

Current line distance

Displays the current distance measured - from the last clicked point to the current position of the cursor.

Total line distance Displays the total distance measured over all lines.
Current area

Displays the area of the current measurement polygon.

Tip: You complete a measurement polygon by double-clicking its start point.

Total area Displays the area of all measurement polygons.


Note: Separate entries are created within this grid for each contiguous line drawn.

Distance Shows the distance of each section of the drawn line.
Total Shows the cumulative distance as each part of the line is drawn.

Layers and maps

Measuring distances and areas on maps