Updating applications from InfoAsset Manager

You can update the InfoAsset Mobile server with the InfoAsset Manager current choice lists or map layers.

Note: The update from InfoAsset Manager operation can take several minutes.


  1. Select System | Options.

    The Options dialog is displayed.

  2. Expand Application and select Files.
  3. Select the Update from InfoAsset button.

    The Get Data From InfoAsset Manager dialog is opened.

  4. To update the choice list data from InfoAsset Manager:
    1. Select the Choice Lists button.

      This will also allow for any changes made to the User text or User number fields inside InfoAsset Manager to be picked up and integrated into the InfoAsset Mobile server.

      The InfoAsset Manager Request dialog is opened.

    2. Click OK to close the dialog and begin updating.

      When the update is finished (this may take several minutes), you will see a message asking if you want to refresh the dynamic data now.

    3. To initiate the refresh of the dynamic data, select Yes (or choose No to cancel). This is equivalent to selecting the Refresh Dynamic Data button.

      It may be a good idea to make use of the Refresh Designer Toolbox functionality (see the Editing sub-page on the Options dialog for this) in order to refresh the local cache with the latest changes (if changes have been made to the designer toolbox).

  5. To update the map layer data from InfoAsset Manager:
    1. Select the Map Layers button.

      The InfoAsset Manager Request dialog is displayed.

      Tip: This update from InfoAsset Manager refers only to dynamic layers (InfoAsset Manager network objects). The rebuild of local dynamic layers can be implemented from the Cache subpage of the Options dialog.

    2. Click OK to close the dialog and begin updating.

      When the update is finished (this may take several minutes), you will see a message asking if you want to refresh the dynamic data now.

    3. To initiate the refresh of the dynamic data, select Yes (or choose No to cancel). This is equivalent to selecting the Refresh Dynamic Data button.

      It is recommended to make use of the Refresh Application functionality in order to refresh the application locally.
