Viewing data collated using InfoAsset Mobile in InfoAsset Manager

Now the surveying has been completed and all data uploaded to the server, just one more step is required to view the new data within InfoAsset Manager, associated with the relevant object(s).

  1. Launch InfoAsset Manager.
  2. Select the appropriate master database.
  3. In the Explorer window, right-click the network that InfoAsset Mobile is pointing to (check the InfoAsset Mobile titlebar).
  4. Select Update (get changes made by others) from the menu – this will push all data uploaded to the InfoAsset Mobile Database to the InfoAsset Manager Database.
  5. The commit history may be viewed in a log by selecting Show commit history from the same context menu. This will show a record of times, dates, user-id of user responsible for the upload and any comments made; for further information see InfoAsset Manager Help Topic called Commit History dialog.
  6. Open the network in the GeoPlan.
  7. Select Grid windows from the Window menu, then New survey window or New repair window or New incident window, depending on the InfoAsset Manager object type you are after.
  8. Locate in the grid the object ID.


    • Look at the grid (the data collected and entered in InfoAsset Mobile should appear in the appropriate cell)


    • Right-click the network object and select Properties to display its Property Sheet. Browse to the desired tab or section, depending on which Property Sheet style is active - see Property Sheets topic in InfoAsset Manager Help.

    Any object created in InfoAsset Mobile or updated in InfoAsset Mobile and uploaded to InfoAsset Manager will have a populated Mobile identifier field.

Interaction between InfoAsset Mobile Server and InfoAsset Manager database