Structure of Help

This topic describes some of the basic elements of Innovyze help systems. The structure of the system is effectively defined by the Table of Contents (also called Contents), although you are not constrained by this structure when navigating through information.

You can jump about the help file using the various navigation methods on the Navigation Pane, or by following hyperlinks in the help topics themselves.

Each help topic contains a list of hyperlinks at the end of the topic. These are in the Related Topics section and are links to other related topics that may be located anywhere in the help system.

Structure Description

Help is divided into a number of top level sections. Each section is represented by a top level book or folder. Most sections are then further sub-divided into the various functional areas.


Some of the main top level sections mentioned below may not apply to your individual Help System.

Main top level sections may be:

There may be some additional individual topics that reside at the top level of the help system. These provide general information and contact details for Innovyze. These can be:

Navigation Pane

Using the Table of Contents