Using the Table of Contents

The Table of Contents defines the structure and layout of the HTML help system. It consists of a series of books, or folders, each of which contains one or more individual topics. Books may also contain other books, so a table of contents may contain many levels.

Table of Contents operations:

Some topics may actually be links to websites or other useful material outside the help system. These links, when invoked from the Table of Contents, are also displayed in the right-hand pane.


If you do not have direct access to the Internet you may see an error message.

If you cannot find the topic you want in the Table of Contents, try looking for it in the Index, or carry out a search (See Search Help Tips and Advanced Full-Text Search for more details on how to optimise your searches).


When the Table of Contents tab is visible, it synchronises automatically with the currently displayed topic. However, this synchronisation may not always occur if the Table of Contents pane is hidden. To show where you are in the Table of Content after switching from another tab, you may need to click on the Locate button of the HTML toolbar.

Navigation Pane

Using the Index

Listing Your Favourite Help Topics

Search Help Tips