Importing InfoSWMM Data to SWMM Networks
An InfoSWMM model can be imported either as a new ICM SWMM network or as an update to an existing SWMM network as follows:
- To import as a new network:
- Right-click on the applicable a Model Group in the Explorer Window.
- Select Import SWMM | Model group | from InfoSWMM.
To update an existing network:
- Open the SWMM network to be updated.
- Select Import | Model | from InfoSWMM from the Network menu.
A Windows File Open dialog is displayed.
- Enter the path to the mxd file to be imported in the File name box.
- From the Encoding dropdown list, select which encoding system is used in the text files to be imported. Currently supported systems are ANSI, UTF-8 (default) and UTF-8 BOM.
- Click Open to start the import process.
If the InfoSWMM network includes any scenarios, a window containing a list of scenarios that can be imported is displayed.
- Select the relevant scenario and click OK.
The mxd file and any other associated model data from the InfoSWMM model ISDB folder will be imported.
When the import process is complete, a log file, which contains any conversion errors or warnings, is displayed.
Note that file-based time series are not supported in ICM and will result in an import error.
If a scenario was selected for import, the name of the scenario will appended to the imported items in the Explorer window. The format for the name is <mxdfilename>_<scenarioname>.
For details of the InfoSWMM data imported and conversions made by the importer, see the InfoSWMM Conversion Notes (SWMM) topic.