Spatial Rain Sources


Spatial rain sources are used to define the priority and time of application of different sources of spatial rain data. Spatial rain data is provided by spatial time series databases and/or by TVD Connectors set up as raingauge polygons in InfoWorks networks or rain gage polygons in SWMM networks

The use of spatial rain sources is optional and it is recommended to restrict their use to the following situations:

Spatial rain sources parameters are edited in the Spatial Rain Source Grid Window of the Polygons Grid or the Spatial Rain Source Property Sheet.

Source priority

If there are no spatial rain source objects defined in the network, the order of source priority is determined by the order of the objects in the TSDB / spatial TSDB droptarget in the the InfoWorks or SWMM Schedule Hydraulic Run View.


When spatial rain source data is not defined, all raingauge/rain gage polygons (i.e. TVD connectors of rainfall type) are used as a single source and the priority of that source is determined by the first scalar time series database specified in the run view regardless of whether it actually contains the raingauge/raingage data (e.g. if more than one scalar TSDB is being used).

Spatial rain source objects determine the priority in which spatial rainfall is applied to the network during simulation. There may be more than one source using different sets of raingauges/rain gages (sets are defined using the Category field of the corresponding TVD connectors).

The priority set in the Spatial Rain Source Grid Window of the Polygons Grid overrides the order in which spatial time series databases have been entered in the relevant Schedule Hydraulic Run View. Only the specified sources are used in the order set by the Priority field (lowest-number first) of the Spatial Rain Source Grid Window.

Spatial Rain Source Data Fields (InfoWorks)

Spatial Rain Source Data Fields (SWMM)

Polygons Grid

Property Sheets