Viewing Results in Other Views

The effect of a rainfall event can also be viewed for a particular run of pipes or a specific node by replaying the simulation in the 3D Manhole window.


This stage assumes that you have started InfoWorks ICM and that Master database, containing the ICM Basic Tutorial, is opened in the Explorer window, showing the 'Langley Catchment Study' model group.

Simulations can also be replayed as follows:

  1. If not already in the current window, drag the 'Obs4p' simulation (not the rainfall event of the same name) onto the main window.Closed Click the ' Obs4p' simulation icon in the Run Group in the Explorer window and drag it onto the main window.

    The network is opened in the GeoPlan.

  2. Display a node in 3D view:
    1. Use the (3D manhole pick) tool to select a node such as '45630094' (at the junction downstream from the pump).
    2. Increase the size of the 3D View so that the manhole and its conduits are clearly visible. Use the tools on the 3D toolbar to adjust the size of the image and the viewing angle.
    3. If necessary, click the button to rewind the simulation.
    4. Click the button to play the simulation. As the replay progresses you will be able to see the water level changing in the manhole.
    5. After viewing the replay, close the 3D Manhole window
  3. Close the GeoPlan viewClosedClick the button in the top right-hand corner of the window . A message is displayed asking if you want to close all the windows associated with this network.
  4. Click the Yes button and the 3D Manhole window will also be closed.


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Viewing Replays of a Simulation

3D Manhole Window