About baselines

A baseline is used to set up a schedule for running simulations for a single model network.

The baseline refers to a single default simulation. The model network and associated data items (such as control, demand and tariff data) used in this simulation comprise the core model in the baseline.

Additional associated data items may be specified to allow simulations of the network to be carried out under different conditions (for example, summer demands and winter demands).

The baseline is used to schedule a number of runs as variants on the core model. The control and demand data in a run can be modified by:

Each baseline is used to schedule the simulations for the region represented by a single model network. Each region is represented by a polygon.

Baselines and version control

A baseline is a version controlled itemVersion controlled items have an extra level of management within the InfoWorks database. These items can be checked in and out to create a series of versions of the same item. You can also create branches from any version. Only the differences between versions are stored in the database. Version controlled items can be locked to prevent accidental deletion. . However, baselines are slightly different from other version controlled items in that they can be enabled /disabled for runs. Some fields can be edited on checked in baselines to allow you to make minor and frequent changes without having to check them out or create new ones. The rules are detailed below:

Baseline data is viewed and edited in the Baseline Property Sheet.

Data from the Fields and Verification pages of a baseline can be updated using the Open Data Import Centre. This update is likely to be implemented using CSV files, but other formats are available. Typing in this data by hand can be time-consuming and lead to typing errors. Import files can be used instead, making the process faster, more automatic, and more reliable.

Baseline statuses

Baselines can have different statuses in InfoWorks WS Pro:

Checked out - A checked out baseline can be edited or modified.

Checked in - A checked in baseline cannot be edited. Baselines need to be checked in prior to validation and use.

Locked - A baseline is automatically locked once it has associated runs. A locked baseline cannot be deleted. To delete a locked baseline, you have to unlock it first.

Enabled - Baselines must be enabled for runs to be performed. Enabled baselines cannot be unlocked or deleted. To unlock or delete enabled baselines, you have to disable them first. Note that disabling a baseline will prevent it from having runs carried out.

Using baselines

Database object list

Baseline property sheet

Baseline Validation Messages

About version controlled objects

Managing version controlled objects

Open Data Import Centre dialog