Baseline Validation Messages


Error and warning messages relating to the Baseline property sheet are displayed in the Output Window when the Baseline is validated.

These are identified by the following symbols:

Warning - action may be required

Error - action necessary

Error Message Number

Error Message




A value must be specified for this field

A required field is null. A value must be entered in the field.


Value too small. Minimum value is <minimum value>, or Value too large. Maximum value is <maximum value>

A value is outside of minimum or maximum set in metadata. Enter a valid value in this field.


Default Sim is not set

A simulation has not been selected in the Default Simulation selection box on the Default Model page.


Cannot find Default Simulation

The simulation selected in the Default Simulation selection box on the Default Model page cannot be found.


Simulation did not complete successfully

The simulation selected in the Default Simulation selection box on the Default Model page did not run successfully.


Only normal runs are allowed for the Default Sim

The simulation selected in the Default Simulation selection box on the Default Model page was not of Run Type Normal.


Run every cannot be zero

The Run every parameter in the Run Schedule grid of the Default Model page is set to zero.


Duration cannot be zero

The Duration parameter in the Run Schedule grid of the Default Model page is set to zero.


Tidy up after cannot be zero

The Tidy up after parameter in the Run Schedule grid of the Default Model page is set to zero.


Archive after cannot be zero

The Archive after parameter in the Run Schedule grid of the Default Model page is set to zero.


Delete after cannot be zero

The Delete after parameter in the Run Schedule grid of the Default Model page is set to zero.


Demand categories are different from Default Sim

A Demand Diagram selected in the Switch Options page contains different demand categories to the Demand Diagram used by the default simulation specified in the Default Model Page.


Demand scaling areas are different from Default Sim

A Demand Scaling selected in the Switch Options page contains different demand scaling areas to the Demand Scaling used by the default simulation specified in the Default Model Page.


Energy factor regimes are different from Default Sim

An Energy CO2 Factor selected in the Switch Options page contains different CO2 factor regimes to the Energy CO2 Factor used by the default simulation specified in the Default Model Page.


Electricity tariff labels are different from Default Sim

An Electricity Tariff selected in the Switch Options page contains different tariff labels to the Electricity Tariff used by the default simulation specified in the Default Model Page.


Validation failed for control n (where n is the name of the control)

The object mentioned in the error message has not passed validation. It is recommended to validate the object on its own to investigate the exact reason for the validation failure.


Validation failed for demand diagram n (where n is the name of the demand diagram)

The object mentioned in the error message has not passed validation. It is recommended to validate the object on its own to investigate the exact reason for the validation failure.


Validation failed for demand scaling n (where n is the name of the demand scaling)

The object mentioned in the error message has not passed validation. It is recommended to validate the object on its own to investigate the exact reason for the validation failure.


Validation failed for electricity tariff n (where n is the name of the electricity tariff)

The object mentioned in the error message has not passed validation. It is recommended to validate the object on its own to investigate the exact reason for the validation failure.


Validation failed for UPC scenario n (where n is the name of the scenario)

The object mentioned in the error message has not passed validation. It is recommended to validate the object on its own to investigate the exact reason for the validation failure.


No live data feed specified

In the Fields tab, the Updatable from live data option is checked for a field, but a Live data feed has not been specified.


Default is less than minimum

In the Fields tab, the value specified in the Default field is less than the value specified in the Min field.


Default is greater than maximum

In the Fields tab, the value specified in the Default field is greater than the value specified in the Max field.


Minimum is greater than maximum

In the Fields tab, the value specified in the Min field is greater than the value specified in the Max field.


Unit in live data feed is not valid for this field

The unit of measurement in the live data feed is not valid for this field.

The unit of measurement for a field on the Fields tab should be the same as the unit specified in the External Units field in the Live Data Feed tab in the Live Data Configuration object .


Live data feed not found in live data configuration

A live data feed specified in the Live data field 1 field or the Live data field 2 field of the Fields tab does not exist in the Live Data Configuration object associated to the baseline (Live Data Options tab).

E9544 Both UPC Object and UPC Scripts A UPC Script has been defined in the Fields tab for a valve or pump station object and the Default Simulation selected in the Default Model tab uses a UPC Scenario and/or a UPC Scenario is specified in the Switch Options tab. Simulations cannot be run using both UPC Scenario and UPC Scripts.
E9545 Override is less than minimum

Mode of operation is set to Use override and the Override value is less than the Min value specified for the field.

E9546 Override is greater than maximum

Mode of operation is set to Use override and the Override value is greater than the Max value specified for the field.


No switch objects specified

A Switch Controller and/or switch script have been specified on the Switch Options page, but there are no Switch Objects selected.


No weather feed specified

A weather feed has not been specified on the Weather page of the Switch Controller selected in the Switch Options page.


No weather forecast location specified

A location has not been specified on the Weather page of the Switch Controller selected in the Switch Options page.


No switch script specified

Switch objects and/or a Switch Controller has been selected in the Switch Options page, but there is no Switch Script.


No warning template specified

A Warning Template has not been selected in the Display Options page.


No warning theme specified

A Warning Theme has not been selected in the Display Options page.


No switch controller specified

Switch objects and/or a Switch Script has been selected in the Switch Options page, but no Switch Controller has been selected.


Sim results location should be on the server

There are no results available on the server for the Default Simulation selected in the Default Model page.


No sim results present

There are no results available for the Default Simulation selected in the Default Model page.


No electricity tariff theme specified

There is no electricity tariff theme specified in the Pump Overview page of the baseline property sheet.


Theme is not an electricity tariff results theme

The theme specified in the Pump Overview page of the baseline property sheet is not of the correct type.


Pump station selection list contains other objects

The selection list specified in the Pump Overview page of the baseline property sheets contains objects other than pump stations and is therefore invalid.


No warning theme specified

Zones have been defined in the Zone Options page of the baseline property sheet but no warning theme has been specified.


Baseline Property Sheet

Output Window