About UPC scenarios

The UPC scenario contains details of structures, sensors and rules that together determine flows throughout the network. If you have several scenarios, each one represents one possible way in which the network can be controlled.

Each scenario contains one or more regulators (control elements that can physically regulate values in the network). The values you can control are:

Associated with each regulator is a series of components that determine how the regulator is operated. The possible components are:

Component Description


The definition of a range of acceptable values for variables measured at a control point, such as flow or depth. If the input value is between the minimum and maximum specified, the range returns a logical output of TRUE; otherwise the result is FALSE.

Logic operator

The combination of the output from two Ranges or Logic operators to give a TRUE or FALSE result.


A look-up table to translate measured input values (from a Range, Table or Variable) to new output values.


An expression that combines values (from a Range, Table, Logic operator, Variable or constant value) to derive a new value.


A device to control a regulator in order to achieve a defined setpoint.


A rule controls the setpoint of a regulator. When the conditions on which a rule depend are TRUE the rule takes effect.


A remark inserted at any point in the scenario as a reminder of the effect of the components.

UPC scenario simulations

To run a simulation with UPC, the UPC scenario must be included when the simulation is scheduled. For further information, see Creating and scheduling a run.

When you run a simulation, the UPC scenario is continually checked and the operation of the control elements modified according to the UPC rules. At each timestep the simulation engine works through each of the scenario components in turn, for each regulator. The engine checks the ranges, combines the TRUE or FALSE outputs in any logical operators, translates the values using the tables and recalculates any variables. The rules are then applied and the operation of the regulators is modified accordingly.


The components of a UPC scenario are edited in the UPC window. For information on using the editing facilities of the window, see Editing UPC data.

About user programmable control (UPC)

Importing UPC data

Editing UPC data

Editing UPC data

UPC window