Editing UPC data

UPC (user programmable control) allows you to operate control elements in response to the state at locations within the network, and thus control flows throughout the system.

UPC simulations require you to create one or more UPC scenarios. You edit these scenarios on the UPC window.

Editing options

Copying and pasting UPC data

UPC data can be copied between different objects within the UPC scenario, or between different scenarios in different UPC windows.

Data is copied via the Windows clipboard, so the two scenarios do not need to be open at the same time. However, the data is stored in a special InfoWorks WS Pro format and so cannot be pasted into other applications.

Multiple regulators or dependants can be selected for copy and paste by holding down the Shift or Ctrl keys while making a selection.

Use the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keys to copy and paste, or right-click and choose the appropriate option from the context menu.

About user programmable control (UPC)

Importing UPC data

Exporting UPC data

UPC window

Setting up a controller (UPC)

UPC to improve PRV stability

UPC example (three point PRV)

UPC controller example

UPC logic example

UPC range example

UPC table example

UPC variable example