UPC variable example

A variable is used to combine values (from a range, table, logic operator, variable or constant value) to derive another value.

The following example shows a scenario for controlling a boosted flow into an area subject to low pressures within a gravity fed demand area. If the pressure at a sensor in the demand area falls below a given pressure, the booster pump will be switched ON to boost flow to the low pressure area . Under normal conditions, the booster pump will be switched OFF and the entire area will be gravity fed.



In this scenario, a variable is used to calculate a pressure offset at sensor Node A. The default status of the pump is OFF. If the pressure at Node A falls below 20m, the pump will be switched ON.

The scenario is defined by adding components to a pump regulator in the UPC window.


Component Parameters Effect


Range type: Pressure

Location node: A


TRUE if pressure at Node A is between -/+ infinity


Measurement: Pressure

Operator: Minus

Argument 1: RANGE 1

Argument 2: Constant (20)

Pressure at Node A - 20m


Range Type: Variable

Location Definition: VARIABLE 1


Maximum: 0

TRUE if VARIABLE 1 is less than zero.


Condition: _default_

Type: OFF

Default status of pump is OFF


Condition: RANGE 2

Type: ON

Switch pump ON if RANGE 2 is TRUE


  1. Range 1: Defines Node A as the control point. ClosedShow image

  2. Variable 1: Calculates offset pressure at Node A. ClosedShow image

  3. Range 2: Defines the calculated offset pressure in Variable 1 as the control with a maximum value of 0. ClosedShow image

  4. Rule 1: Unless subsequent rules are TRUE, switch pump OFF. ClosedShow image

  5. Rule 2: If the pressure offset at Node A is less than 0 (pressure at Node A less than 20m) switch pump ON. ClosedShow image


This simple example could be modelled without the use of a variable, by using the actual pressure at Node A instead of an offset. For an example of how the use of variables can be extended, see UPC example (three point PRV).

About user programmable control (UPC)

Editing UPC data

UPC example (three point PRV)

UPC window