UPC table example

A table is used to describe the relationship between a set of input values and output values.

The following example shows a scenario for controlling the flow into a reservoir by adjusting the opening of a valve on the reservoir inlet according to the reservoir depth.

Under this scenario, the valve opening will be operated depending on the depth of the reservoir. As the reservoir level drops, the valve opens more to allow greater flow into the reservoir and vice versa.

The relationship between the valve opening and reservoir depth is defined in a table in the UPC scenario.

The scenario is defined by adding components to a valve regulator in the UPC window.

Component Parameters Effect


Range type: Pressure

Location node: RSGRAV1

Minimum: 0m

Maximum: 0.25m

TRUE if pressure is between 0m and 0.25m


Measurement: Opening

Input Range: RANGE 1


Input/Output grid: Pressure vs Opening

Relationship between Control point defined in RANGE 1 and percentage opening of REGULATOR


Condition: RANGE 1
Rule type: POS

Setpoint type: VARIABLE TABLE 1

Set valve to percentage opening from TABLE 1 if RANGE 1 is TRUE



  1. Range 1: Defines Reservoir RSGRAV1 as the control point. ClosedShow image

  2. Table 1: Defines the relationship between the depth in the reservoir and the opening of the valve. ClosedShow image

  3. Rule 1: Operates the valve according to the depth in the reservoir. ClosedShow image


For a further example of a UPC Scenario, see UPC example (three point PRV).

About user programmable control (UPC)

Editing UPC data

UPC example (three point PRV)

UPC window