UPC range example

At its simplest, a scenario consists of a single range and rules.

The following example shows a scenario for starting a pump when the level in a reservoir drops to a defined depth.


Under this scenario, the pump will be switched on when the pressure at RHighL (depth in reservoir RHighL) drops below the trigger level of 2m. When the level in the reservoir rises to 2m the pump will be switched off by default.

The scenario is defined by adding components to a pump regulator in the UPC window.


Component Parameters Effect


Range type: Pressure

Location node: RHighL
Maximum: 2m

TRUE if pressure at node RHighL is less than 2m


Condition: _default_

Rule type: OFF

Default status of pump is OFF


Condition: RANGE 1
Rule type: ON

Switch pump ON if RANGE 1 is TRUE


  1. Range 1: Defines Reservoir RHighL as the control point with a maximum value of 2m. ClosedShow image

  2. Rule 1: Unless subsequent rules are TRUE, the pump will be set to the default status of OFF. ClosedShow image

  3. Rule 2: Switches the pump ON if the level in the reservoir is below 2m. ClosedShow image


For a further example including ranges and other dependents, see UPC example (three point PRV).

About user programmable control (UPC)

Editing UPC data

UPC example (three point PRV)

UPC window