UPC controller example

A controller in InfoWorks WS Pro is used to indirectly control a regulator in order to achieve a defined setpoint.

The following example shows a scenario for controlling a pressure reducing valve.


In this scenario a reducing/downstream controller has been added. if the pressure at Node A is greater than or equal to 20m, the controller acts as a PRV to maintain a pressure of 20m at Node A.

The scenario is defined by adding components to a valve regulator in the UPC window.




Range type: Pressure

Location Node: A

Minimum: 20m

TRUE if pressure at Node A is greater than or equal to 20m


Type: Reducing/Downstream

Sensor: RANGE 1

Defines a PRV with sensor defined in RANGE 1


Condition: RANGE 1

Type: Ctrl

Controller: CONTROLLER 1

Setpoint Type: FIXED 20m

Operate CONTROLLER 1 to maintain a pressure of 20m if RANGE 1 is TRUE


  1. Range 1: Defines Node A as the control point, with a minimum value of 20m. ClosedShow image

  2. Controller 1: Defines controller as a PRV using Node A as a sensor. ClosedShow image

  3. Rule 1: Valve acts as a PRV to maintain a pressure of 20m at Node A. ClosedShow image


For a further example including controllers and other dependents, see UPC example (three point PRV) .

About user programmable control (UPC)

Editing UPC data

UPC example (three point PRV)

UPC window