IWLive Pro

IWLive icon

IWLive Pro functionality is available only if the IWLive Pro option is enabled on your licence.

IWLive Pro is an Innovyze product building upon the InfoWorks WS Pro product.

IWLive Pro is designed for use in the control room as an aid to predicting problem areas and assessing solutions to these problems. Uses of the product include:

A schedule of runs is created to carry out simulations using models that have been built and calibrated in InfoWorks WS. Models are updated automatically from live data so that each simulation begins with up-to-date reservoir levels and pump and valve status. Calendar and weather feeds are used to project anticipated demand in order to assess potential problems.

When a simulation is completed, results are processed and any warnings are displayed on the control room map. The map displays polygons representing the regions for which the control room is responsible. A highlighted polygon on the map indicates a prediction of problems in the next few hours, and a grid displays the time of onset of these problems.

The control room operator can then open a detailed map of assets in the highlighted region. The control status of objects such as valves and pumps can be changed on the map and further simulations can be run in order to evaluate possible solutions.

IWLive objects

There are several master database items that are used by IWLive. These objects are visible in the tree view in the Model Group window, but some of the objects can only be viewed and edited if the IWLive Pro option is enabled on your licence.

The objects used by IWLive Pro are:

In addition, the Live Data Logon and Live Data Feed grids in the live data configuration are used to specify connections to one or more telemetry databases containing live data feeds.