Live Data grid - Live Data Feed view

This view is used to specify connections to feeds in one or more telemetry databases.

The view is displayed by double-clicking a live data configuration object in the Model Group window, then selecting the Live Data Feed tab.

ClosedShow image

Live Data Feed tab


Item Description
Left-most column

If clicked, selects the whole row.

A forward triangle indicates the current row.

An asterisk indicates where a new object can be created by entering its details (in this case, by selecting a lookup table).

Feed Name

User name for the telemetry data feed.


Drop-down list of connections from the Live Data Logon grid.


Drop-down list of lookup tables from the Live Data Lookup grid (Taken from the Lookup Name field).

A blank Lookup field indicates that no lookup table is being used for the feed.

If required, select a lookup table from the list.

Tip: Whenever a lookup table is being used for a feed, the related Offset and Factor fields (see below) become disabled and are not used when retrieving data from telemetry.

External Units

The units for the telemetry feed.


Offset value to be added to the data in the file.

The offset value is applied after the multiplication factor (see Factor, below), but before the filter value (see Filter Minimum and Filter Maximum, below).


Multiplication factor to be applied to the data in the file.

The multiplication factor is applied before the offset value (see Offset, above), and the offset value is applied before the filter value (see Filter Minimum and Filter Maximum, below).

Derived Type ~

If this field is set to a number of minutes, the live data adaptor will return values at regular intervals and use interpolation where needed. For pump states, it will return the most recent value at each time-step. For example, if the pump turns on at 9:45 and the time-step is 60 mins, it would return the value "on" at 10:00. The available time-steps are 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes. Selecting None means that all values will be stored.

Time Window (min)

Disabled for PI and iHistorian databases and for PI Web API.

Time window within which live data is to be retrieved centred on simulation start time of projection run.

For example, if the time window is 30 min, live data between 15 minutes before the start and 15 minutes after the start of the simulation is retrieved.


Currently supported adaptors.

The only adaptor available at present is the generic adaptor.

Table Name

Disabled for PI, iHistorian, ClearSCADA, Info360 and databases, and for PI Web API.

For CSV: This is a drop-down list containing any files in the location you entered under Filename/Folder on the Live Data Logon page. Choose a file with CSV data in it.

Otherwise: This is the name of the table in the telemetry database which contains the live data feed.

Data Field Column

Disabled for PI, iHistorian, ClearSCADA, Info360 and databases, and for PI Web API.

Column in the table (specified in the Table Name field), that contains the monitored data values.

Date / Time Field Column

Disabled for PI, iHistorian, ClearSCADA, Info360 and databases, and for PI Web API.

Column in the table (specified in the Table Name field), that contains the timestamp data.

User Field 1 - 3

Disabled for PI, iHistorian, ClearSCADA, Info360 and databases, and for PI Web API.

Use to determine which values to get if the telemetry database table contains data values for more than one stream. The User field and User value fields are used to populate the Where clause of an SQL statement.


DateTime Value Feed
2014-01-01 00:00 5 ResA
2014-01-01 00:00 4.5 ResB
2014-01-01 00:15 5.1 ResA
2014-01-01 00:15 4.6 ResB

To get the live data for ResA:

Data Field Column = Value

Date/Time Field Column = DateTime

User Field 1 = Feed

User Value 1 = ResA

User Field Value 1 - 3

Disabled for PI, iHistorian, ClearSCADA, Info360 and databases, and for PI Web API.

Use to determine which values to get if the telemetry database table contains data values for more than one stream. The User field and User value fields are used to populate the Where clause of an SQL statement. (See User Field 1 -3 above for example.)

Tag Name

Enabled for connections to PI, iHistorian, ClearSCADA and Info360 databases, and for PI Web API.

Name of the tag in the database that contains the live data feed. A tag is a unique identifier for a data stream (or point).

Info360 Duration

Applies to Info360 databases.

Time interval over which aggregation is performed. See Info360 Series Type field below.

Info360 Series Type

Applies to Info360 databases.

Type of aggregation that is performed:

  • Average - average over time interval
  • Open - value at beginning of time interval
  • Close - value at end of time interval
  • High - maximum value in time interval
  • Low - minimum value in time interval

Filter Change Threshold

Use with the Filter Min Duration (min) value to exclude unwanted data, such as from a faulty sensor. If the data changes by less than the threshold value within the duration period, then it is excluded.

Filter Min Duration (min) Use with the Filter Change Threshold value to exclude unwanted data, such as from a faulty sensor. If the data changes by less than the threshold value within the duration period, then it is excluded.
Filter Minimum

Data is excluded if it is below this specified boundary value.

Filter values are applied after any multiplication factor and offset values have been applied (see Offset and Factor, above).

Filter Maximum

Data is excluded if it is above this specified boundary value.

Filter values are applied after any multiplication factor and offset values have been applied (see Offset and Factor, above).

Main context menu options
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells can be selected in the same row.
Test feed

Tests the feed data extraction from the telemetry database into InfoWorks WS Pro. This is a useful feature for users wanting to check that there are values coming through from the telemetry database. Selecting this option opens the Test Feed dialog where a single time or a range of times can be specified for data extraction.

About live data

Live Data grid

Test Feed dialog

Live Data grid - Live Data Logon view

Live Data grid - Live Data Lookup view

Live Data grid - Live Data Export view

Open Data Import Centre dialog