Live Data grid - Live Data Point view

This view displays two different areas of data:

The view is opened by double-clicking a live data configuration object in the Model Group window.

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Item Description
Left-most column

If clicked, selects the whole row. You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple rows in the usual way.

A forward triangle indicates the current row.

An asterisk indicates where a new object can be created by entering its details (in this case, its name).

Data fields See Live data fields for details of the fields displayed on the grid.
Main context menu options

Some menu options can be applied to more than one row, although properties will be displayed only for the row containing the current cell.

Add live data file

Allows users to add a live data file to the currently selected live data configuration object.

Tip: It is also possible to drag logger data files from Windows File Manager and drop them onto the Live Data Point view. Refer to Adding and editing live data for more information.

Add live data feed Allows users to add live data feeds to the currently selected live data configuration object.
Refresh all Retrieves information from the live data files and displays it in the grid view. This relates to the fields to the right of and including Status.
Graph selected live data points Displays the Live Data Graph dialog.
Graph concentrations

Available when the type of live data is concentration.

Displays the Live Data Graph dialog.

Graph % reservoir full

Available when a network and associated control are open and the live data is associated with a reservoir in the network.

Displays the Live Data - Percentage Reservoir Full graph.

Change the live data file

Applicable only to live data points.

Allows a live data file entry in the Live Data Point view to be replaced with a different entry.

Convert to absolute filenames /

Convert to relative filenames

Allow conversion of filenames in the Source File field.

Absolute pathnames are the full path to the file, including the drive letter.

Relative pathnames are relative to the master database location.

Rebase filenames

Applicable only to live data points.

Allows adjustment of filenames in the Source File field, used for example if files have been moved to a different location on your computer. See Live Data Rebase Filenames dialog for more details.

Properties Displays the Live Data Point property sheet, showing the properties for a single live data point.

About live data

Live Data grid

Live Data grid - Zone view

Live Data Point property sheet

Live data fields

Percentage Reservoir Full dialog