Live Data Graphing dialog

This dialog is displayed by:

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Factors and offsets table

At the top of the dialog is a table of all the multiplication factors and offsets applicable to the data. These are the same fields as shown on the Live Data Point view. You can change these factors and offsets and view the effect on the graph. When you make a change, the changed value is saved back into the database as soon as you move off the cell, so you can see the change immediately on the Live Data Point view.

Tip: These offsets and factors apply only to live data points and will be disabled (greyed out) for live data feeds.

Q Zone Factor

Available when viewing a zone.

This is the factor you set up on the Live Data Zone page of the Live Data Zone property sheet. You can adjust this factor as well, and the results will feed back into the database.

Use adjustments
Location Factors and Offsets Check to include on graph.
Times Check to include on graph.
Zone Flow Factors Available only for zones. Check to include on graph.
Total Flow Use to switch between individual plots and a single plot of total flow for all selected loggers.
Head Use to switch between relative and absolute (taking account of sensor level head).
Show Flag Bars

Enabled when viewing live data from Time Series Data format files. These files allow the use of flags to indicate the reliability or quality of each live data measurement.

Check to display flag information on the graph. See the Live Data Flags topic for more information on displaying flag information.

Clear Selection ~
Start / Finish The timescale shown on the graph can be adjusted by using these date time controls.
Zoom Range Use to display the full extent of logger data on the graphs, including time offsets.
Zoom Control If you have a control data set open, you can use this button to zoom to the time range in the control data.
Zooming Zoom in on a part of the graph by holding down the Shift key, clicking within either graph, and then dragging the mouse with the left button held down. You will see a dotted box displaying the zoom area.
Graph area

When graphing selected live data point(s) or selected zone, the dialog displays two graphs - all flow data is shown in the upper graph, all pressure information in the lower graph.

When graphing concentrations, the dialog displays one graph of concentration data.

Graph properties can be changed by right-clicking the graph and choosing Graph properties. This will display the Graph Properties dialog.

Note: Redrawing may be slow for live data feeds especially if the period covered is long.

Live Data grid - Live Data Point view

Live Data grid - Zone view

Graph Properties dialog