Live Data Zone property sheet - Zone page

This page allows the populating of zones with live data points. A zone will probably be a self-contained area of the water supply network, with one, or very few, inflows and outflows. Flow and pressure graphs can be generated for the zones on this page.

Note: Live data points must already exist before they can be added to a zone on this page.

The property sheet is opened from the Live Data grid - Zone view by right-clicking a zone name, selecting Properties, then selecting the Zone page.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Live Data Points (grid)
Left-most column

If clicked, selects the whole row.

A forward triangle indicates the current row.

The asterisked row is for adding live data points to this zone.


Lists the existing live data points in this zone.

Clicking in a cell in this column displays a drop-down list of existing live data points that you can include in this zone.

Highlighting a row and pressing the Delete key will remove the live data point from this zone.

Q Zone Factor Used to balance flows between zones when a live data point is shared by two zones (for example, a pipe carrying flow between the zones). Making the factor positive in one zone and negative in the other will make the total flows correct.
Key Automatically assigned colour for the graph trace.
Show total flow

If unchecked, each flow is graphed separately.

If checked, the sum of flow at all selected points is graphed.

Show head

If unchecked, displays pressure for each point.

If checked, displays head for each point.

Plot graphs (button) Displays flow and pressure graphs for one or more points selected in the above Live Data Points grid.
Add Zone Flows (button)

Available only when there is a network open with associated control data.

Used to search for live data points monitoring flows in or out of the current zone. Live data points found will be added to the Live Data Point grid, if not already present.

This functionality requires the area codes at network nodes to correspond with the live data zone names. Inflow and outflow points are determined by searching for links associated with live data that are connected to one node with area code matching the zone ID and one node outside of the current zone.

Upper graph Displays flow.
Lower graph Displays pressure.
Context menu

Print graph - Opens a standard Print dialog, for printing the graph.

Copy graph - Copies the graph to the clipboard, for pasting into graphics applications.

Graph properties - Opens the Graph Properties dialog.

Export traces to CSV - Opens a Windows Save As dialog for choosing the location and name of a CSV file to export the graph data to.

Live Data grid - Zone view

About live data

Analysing using zones

Using property sheets

Notes page