Live Data grid - Live Data Export view

This view is used to configure the export in IWLive Pro of simulation results, BalanceNet optimised schedules, PressureWatch and QualWatch results to external databases.

Note: This functionality does not support export to PI, iHistorian or ClearSCADA databases.

The view is displayed by double-clicking a live data configuration object in the Model Group window, then selecting the Live Data Export tab.

ClosedShow image

Live Data Export tab

Item Description
Left-most column

If clicked, selects the whole row.

A forward triangle indicates the current row.

An asterisk indicates where a new object can be created by entering its details (in this case, by entering a feed name).

Feed Name

User name for the export feed.


Dropdown list of connections from the Live Data Logon view.

Export Type

Dropdown list of export types. The type of results to be exported.

Watch results PressureWatch or QualWatch results.  
Schedule Pump schedules optimised with BalanceNet.  
    These four result types require the use of an export style object where export settings can be set.
Time-varying results Time varying simulation results (settings available on the TVD page of the Export Style dialog).
Summary results Summary simulation results (settings available on the Summary page of the Export Style dialog).
Warning summary results Warning summary simulation results (settings available on the Warning page of the Export Style dialog).
Warning detail results Warning summary simulation results (settings available on the Warning page of the Export Style dialog).

Table Name

Dropdown list of available table names in the database.

Destination for the export.

Field mapping Clicking the browse button Browse opens the the Live Data Export Field Mapping dialog where internal fields (InfoWorks WS Pro database) are associated with external fields (the database the results are to be exported to).
Main context menu options
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells can be selected in the same row.
Field mapping

Opens the Live Data Export Field Mapping dialog, where internal fields (InfoWorks WS Pro database) are associated with external fields (the database the results are to be exported to).

Note: Only mapped fields will be exported.

Live Data grid

About live data

Live Data grid - Live Data Feed view

Live Data grid - Live Data Logon view

Live Data grid - Live Data Lookup view

Live Data Export Field Mapping dialog

About BalanceNet simulations

Exporting IWLive Pro results to a database