Exporting IWLive Pro results to a database
In InfoWorks WS Pro, it is possible to export IWLive Pro results to a database. The configuration of the export is originally implemented in InfoWorks WS Pro in the Export Style dialog and some parameters may subsequently be edited in IWLive Pro Administrator. A live data object is required.
- In the Live Data Export tab of the live data configuration object, configure the export in IWLive Pro of simulation results to external databases by:
- Adding an export feed.
- Specifying the connection to use.
- Assigning an export type (Time-varying results, Summary results, Warning summary results or Warning detail results).
- Selecting a database table name as destination for the export.
- Mapping InfoWorks WS Pro internal fields to the fields of the database the results are to be exported to.
This is achieved by right-clicking the export feed and selecting Field mapping.
This displays the Live Data Export Field Mapping dialog.
Map the desired fields bearing in mind the rules described here.
- Repeating steps a. to e. for each required export feed.
- Validate and check in the live data configuration.
- Create a new export style object or open an existing one.
- Open the export style object to display the Export Style dialog.
- If using a selection list to restrict export of results to a selection of network objects, drag the desired selection list from the Model Group window into the Selection List droptarget of the General page.
Alternatively, browse for a selection list using the
- Drag the live data configuration object from the Model Group window into the Live Data Configuration droptarget of the General page.
Alternatively, browse for a live data configuration using the
- If required, set a time range (Only export within time range), including a start (Start time) and an end time (End time) for the export.
- If required, filter the objects to be exported by priority warning (Select by Warning Priority).
- If required, and if not using a selection list, restrict export to certain object types in the Network object type list.
Three types of results can be exported to a database : time-varying results (TVD), Warning (warning summary and warning details) and Summary. Configuration for each type takes place in a dedicated tab of the Export Style dialog. (TVD, Warning and Summary tabs, respectively).
- Enable the desired outputs by ticking the relevant check boxes.
- Set the output to Database.
- Select the live data export feed to export.
Tip: Only export feeds of the appropriate type will be available for selection. For example, export feeds of Warning summary results or Warning detail results export types can only be selected in the Warning page of the Export Style dialog.
- Save the Export Style object.
- If required, test the export for one or more simulations by using the Testing page of the Export Style dialog.
In IWLive Pro Administrator, the export style object will appear amongst the candidate export styles.
- Ensure that it is selected as the active export style, to be used by the IWLive Pro server.