Live Data Export Field Mapping dialog

This dialog allows users to map InfoWorks WS Pro internal fields to the fields of the database the results are to be exported to (referred to as external fields).


Only mapped fields will be exported. The export will actually take place in IWLive Pro.

The dialog is displayed in either of two ways:

ClosedShow image

Live Data Export Field Mapping Dialog

The options available on this dialog are described in the table below.

Field Description

Internal Field

InfoWorks WS Pro field name.

Fields present in this column depend on the result type (normal simulation results, PressureWatch, QualWatch, BalanceNet).

External Field

Field of the database.

Select fields for the mapping bearing in mind the following rules for BalanceNet results:

  • Mapping for the Date-time and object ID internal fields is compulsory.
  • One or both of NumberPumpsOn or PumpStationFlow should be included in the mapping.

Test Export Data

Test column.

Enter test values in this column before testing the export.

Test Export

Click this button to test the export.

Check the export by looking in the external database.


Close the dialog and commit the changes.


Abort mapping and close the dialog.

About live data

Live Data grid - Live Data Export view

About BalanceNet simulations