Test Feed dialog


The Test Feed dialog can be used to test connections to feeds. Using this dialog, users can check that these connections are valid and working.

To display the dialog, right-click a feed in the Live Data Feed view and select Test feed from the context menu.

ClosedShow image

Test Feed dialog

Field Description

Single Time

Time - Used to specify a date and time to test the feed for.

Test Single Time - Displays the corresponding feed values in the Results grid.

Time Range

Start Time and End Time - Used to specify the date/ time range over which the feed is to be tested for. By default, the End Time is the current time, while the Start Time is one week prior.

Test Time Range - Displays the corresponding feed values in the Results grid. Clicking this button first displays an information message letting the user know the number of returned values. ClosedShow image Clicking OK in the message displays the feed values in the Results grid.

Show query diagnostics

Available only for feeds that have a live data type with query logic.

If checked, a log will be generated that shows live data activity, specifically:

  • the name of the feed
  • the query
  • the execution time
  • the number of rows

Show raw values (don't apply Lookup, Offset, Factor, and Filtering)

Controls the feed display. By default (option enabled), raw telemetry values will be displayed. However, if this option is disabled (by unchecking the checkbox), the data displayed in the Results grid will be data that has been modified by any lookup, offset, factor, and filtering specified for the feed (see Live Data Feed view).

Results grid

Displays a grid with the returned feed dates / times and values.

Initially empty, this grid displays the feed values meeting the time criteria set in the Single Time or the Time Range sections.


Closes the dialog.

Live Data grid

Live Data

Live Data Feed view