Demand Update from CSV

Existing customer points and any allocated demand data at nodes in the network can be updated by using the Demand Update Wizard.

The Demand Update Wizard imports data from a CSV file (an example is given below). The wizard matches the Key field of the customer points in the CSV data to the Key field in the Customer Points Table. Any records where the Key fields do not match are ignored. Records where Key fields match are overwritten. If any field contains a value, that value will be used to overwrite the existing value in the Customer Points table.

There are options to update the following fields:

For details about what should be in these fields, see Customer Point Data Fields .

If the customer point is allocated to a node, node demand data will be replaced with the new data from the customer point.

Please Note

When updating the Customer Point table, InfoWorks WS Pro always replaces any field where the incoming field is not blank. It is up to you to ensure that the data that is being imported contains valid values for the fields that are being set.

See Demand Update Wizard for detailed information.

Format for Demand Update from CSV Files

The only fields in the CSV file that must have data in it is the Reference field. If the Reference value does not match a customer point already in the database, the record is ignored. All other fields are optional. If any field contains a value, that value will be used to overwrite the existing value in the Customer Points table.

There are no column headers. The columns may be arranged in any order as mapping of the InfoWorks database fields to the CSV fields is defined during the acquisition phase of the Demand Update Process.

An example of the layout of a CSV file to be used for Demand Update is given below where the columns are as follows:

  1. Identifier
  2. X coordinate
  3. Y coordinate
  4. Number of Properties



















Customer Points

Customer Points Grid

Demand Update Wizard