About solute data objects

The solute data object is used when carrying out a water quality simulation. Solute data objects are created within solute data object groups.

The solute data object supports:

The InfoWorks WS Pro functionality for multiple interacting solutes is called Multi Solute Quality (MSQ) and is similar to EPANET’s MSX.

The InfoWorks WS Pro functionality for parallel second-order model (2RA) is a comprehensive bulk chlorine decay model for simulating residuals in water distribution systems (Fisher, I., Kastl, G., Sathasivan, A. (2017). Urban Water Journal 14 (4), 361-368). Selecting this option will pre-populate the values in the Solute Data Object dialog.

Solute data objects are specified using the Solute Data Object dialog.


Database object list

Creating groups within a model group

Creating a database object within a group

Water quality modelling